Who we are
Ehsan Trust UK is a charity based in London and Bradford. It reaches out to poor Muslims in remote areas and communities that are not often provided for by larger charities. Our mission statement is Empower, Enlighten, Educate and our aim is to help the needy that we assist to become independent and self reliant.
We have dedicated workers in the regions where we operate to oversee that the money is spent in the right areas. We are currently operating in India only as we have established contacts there. Our partners in India who distribute our funds include Jamna Ba Hospital, Higher Education Trust UK, and the Bardoli Muslim Welfare Society, all based in Bardoli, Gujarat.
We are working to create more links with reputable companies in other poorer areas of India.
Some of of Ehsan Trust's beneficiaries:
Helping unprivileged children gain education in rural areas.
Supporting widows with their day to day necessities
Helping infransucture of toilets and sanitation in areas which lack basic water and sewage system.
Students of Madressahs in Kashmir, Muradabad, Jodhpur, West Bengal, Valsad, Bardoli.
Medical assistance to poor Muslims in hospital Funding for free cataracts operations Higher education fees for gifted students from poor homes
Provision for widows Deep water boring to provide clean water in remote areas
Running of supplementary schools Furniture, facilities and refurbishment for masjid Distribution of Iftar distribution of meat packages during the month of ramadhan.
Qurbnai Projects in Eid-ul- Adha and Distribution of Fitrana to the poor before Eid ul Fitr.
Our main source of donations comes from the local communities in Bradford and London where we reside.
These include Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah donations, collected from local businesses, friends and families and fundraising at local mosques